Join me on a remarkable journey filled with my unwavering commitment to heaven, homeopathy and homeschooling. Together, we will explore my Catholic faith, seeking a deeper connection with the our Lord and the Blessed Mother.

With an open mind and heart, we will embrace the principles of homeopathy, a natural and holistic approach to healing, discovering the wonders it holds for our well-being.

Additionally, we will delve into the world of homeschooling, uncovering the joys and challenges of providing our children with a personalized education in the comfort of our own homes.

Get ready for an enlightening adventure as we embark on this multifaceted journey towards a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

My name is Flora

I am a daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother of four beautiful children. I have been writing since I was a child. It’s always been my passion and a way of expressing myself. I always envisioned myself in law enforcement or journalism however God had other plans for me and instead I became an Investigator in the financial industry. In 2007, I had a great opportunity to write for a local paper. It was my column and I loved it. However, after 10 volumes, God pulled me into my wonderful husband’s arms and I got married and shortly after became a full-time Mom. I guess balance wasn’t my thing at the time. It was something I needed to learn to do. Thankfully He knew what He wanted from me and challenged me to learn to balance. I have been taking a journey into why I continue to say "Yes" to the challenge of being a homeschool mom while balancing my faith, health and recent knowledge of homeopathy. I invite you to come along for the ride!

Are you ready to...


My challenges of living with Multiple Sclerosis and why I have remained off medication for over 8 years by exercise, supplements and eating right.

Grow Your Faith

God has chosen each of us for a special purpose. By allowing Him to speak to you whether in church, silence, prayer or through literature, you can grow and experience His love and mercy. Grow with me.


I have loved being the one that taught my kids to read, write and know about the world around them. It definitely takes a village and continues to challenge me in ways I thought I overcame. Every stage is a challenge and every challenge has its rewards.


It took me a long time to figure out what I needed and wanted in my life. As a cradle Catholic, I had the foundation of my faith but not the knowledge to truly understand what it meant. When I met my husband at the age of 25; I was already once divorced and he had a very vast knowledge of the Bible and its contents. Although he wasn’t Catholic, his knowledge increased my desire to want to know more. The feeling that I had been missing something greater intensified within me. Although this awareness was there, it has taken time for it to grow to fruition. It took several years to reach the point where I am now, and it is an ongoing journey.